Use MDO File Locking to share QuickBooks data files with a colleagues or customers. A file lock is used to prevent two people from opening and updating the same data file at the same time, resulting in one person’s updates wiping out the other’s.

File Locking is available in the My Docs Online Desktop App, which works with all versions of Windows and Mac OS X.

File Locking is supported for all PC and Mac desktop versions of Quickbooks.

To use the Desktop App for File Locking for QuickBooks sharing follow the following steps:

  • Select the Quickbooks file you have previously uploaded to My Docs Online and click “Lock & Open”
  • The file will be locked on the MDO servers, downloaded to your PC or Mac, and opened for editing in Quickbooks
  • After you complete your editing Save & Close the Quickbooks file (or close Quickbooks)
  • In the Desktop App Click “Save & Unlock” for the file. Your changes will be uploaded to the MDO servers and the file will be unlocked. The date and time for the file will be updated

If you change your mind and need to discard your changes right-click the file in the Desktop App and select “Unlock without Saving”.

See the video tutorial

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