Access your My Docs Online account from an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch with OverTheAir from MicaRed, Inc, available free in the Apple iTunes App Store.

OverTheAir Version 1.7 configuration:

  • Launch OverTheAir
  • Select My Docs Online from the pre-defined server list
  • Enter your My Docs Online User ID and Password

Tap to navigate My Docs Online folders. Tap to open supported file types, which include by default Microsoft Office documents, Adobe PDF, most graphic file types, and any file types supported by other installed products.

Because of the way iOS controls access to files belonging to one app from another app, you can’t use OverTheAir to upload files from other applications, including iWork apps. You can, however, use the WebDAV support built in to iWork to upload files from apps such as Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.