Web Client Notification Flag
A new Notification Indicator has been added to the Web Browser Client.
Currently, only one type of notification is included — Customer Upload (New Version). These are uploads to the “Customer Upload” folder via the special Customer Upload link. Old-style customer uploads to the “Upload” folder are NOT included in the new notification feature.
Customer Upload already has email-based notifications, and the new notification is similar in form, and DOES NOT REPLACE the existing email notification (notification emails will continue to be sent). If the email address associated with the Admin ID normally gets a notification email when files are uploaded via Customer Upload, those same notifications will be included in the new feature.
New notifications cause a red counter (with a number) to appear. Clicking the flag icon opens up a scrollable list of both new and previous notifications, and include the date/time, what folder the file(s) were uploaded to, and any comment entered by the person doing the upload.
Clicking on the notification entry opens the folder.
Clicking the “X” for the entry dismisses the notification so you don’t see it again.
Notifications will be automatically dismissed after seven days.
The red counter indicating previously unseen notifications is updated approximately every five minutes.
Notification is supported by the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer (as old as IE8) also support notification.
Windows XP has some formatting and display issues in supported browsers.
Email us with any feedback. Be sure to mention your browser and version, and your My Docs Online Login ID.