When Sharing files there are two delivery options:

  • Send File(s) using My Docs Online
  • Send File(s) myself with a link I can email

When “using My Docs Online” we send the email for you to one or more email address you enter. You can also select previously entered email addresses from a list.

If you provide more than one recipient email each will have a separate entry in Share Management.

Using “a link I can email” creates a unique web link you copy and paste into your own email (or send via text message, etc.). This “do it yourself” option can help avoid email delivery problems, including over-aggressive spam filters. There will be a single Share Management entry for this option, regardless of how many recipients you email the link to.

With both options the link is unique and secure, and the delivery results can be viewed in Share Management, where you can also cancel, resend, or extend the expiration.